Lumen Christi College, Martin
The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth has employed Broadtrans to complete the construction of an access road from Station Street to the new bus ring road as well as creating 3 new staff carparks.
Lumen Christi College is currently working through their strategic upgrade plan and Broadtrans Civil could not be more pleased to be part of the upgrade works!
Works have commenced with the re-design and construction of the main entrance road, allowing a larger number of vehicles (and most importantly buses) to enter the school during drop-off and pickup times.
However with the heavy down pour last week (the most rain recorded on a single day in February in Perth’s history) co-ordination of works had to be changed to suit the weather conditions.
Fortunately our highly experienced supervisor, Rod Allnutt, managed to keep our team busy and most importantly productive.
While it was great to keep things progressing, the only ones who were truly happy about the weather conditions were the local paddling ducks!